Privacy policy on the processing of personal data. Effective as of 12/03/2024


This information takes into account the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) and of the Privacy Code (Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n. 196). The document has also been drafted in accordance with the Guidelines of the Privacy Guarantor (especially the Guidelines for combating spam issued by the Privacy Guarantor on July 4, 2013).

Data Controller: Santex S.p.A. | Sede legale: Via San Giovanni sul Muro, 1 20121 Milano | P.IVA 00860580158| e-mail privacy@santex.it

Site to which this privacy policy refers:https://www.santex.it/en/ (Sito).

The Data Controller has also appointed a DPO (Data Protection Officer), who is responsible for monitoring the Data Controller’s compliance with the GDPR. You can find DPO’s contact in the introduction of this document, can be contacted at dpo@santex.it.


This document describes how the Data Controller processes your personal data.

The following describes the main processing of your personal data. In particular, we explain the legal basis of the processing, whether the provision of personal data is compulsory and the consequences of not providing personal data. To better describe your rights, if necessary, we have specified if and when a certain processing of personal data is not carried out.

Site registration

The Site does not offer the possibility of registration. Therefore, the Data Controller does not process your personal data for this purpose.

Purchases on the Site

It is not possible to make purchases on the Site. Therefore, your personal data will not be processed for this purpose.The Data Controller does not process the user’s data to send “reminder” emails to purchase products and/or services from the Data Controller.

Answering your requests

Your data will be processed to respond to your requests for information. The conferment is optional, but your refusal will make it impossible for the Data Controller to answer your questions. The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in fulfilling your requests. This legitimate interest is equivalent to the user’s interest in receiving a response to communications sent to the Data Controller.


The Data Controller will not send you advertising material and/or newsletters regarding its own products or those of third parties.


The Data Controller does not carry out “profiling” with your personal data. Therefore, it will not send you advertising material and/or newsletters relating to its own products or third parties of your specific interest.

Data transfer

The Data Controller does not transfer your personal data to third parties.


The Site does not implement tools to geolocate the user’s IP address.

Curriculum Vitae

You can send your curriculum vitae via the Website. Your curriculum vitae will be examined by the Data Controller or its collaborators. The purpose of the processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to view the document in order to verify the possibility of establishing a working relationship or collaboration with you. This interest is equivalent to your interest in being contacted by the Controller for this purpose. The data will be kept until the end of the selection period and in any case for a period not exceeding 6 months from the sending of the curriculum vitae. The provision of data is optional, but failure to provide it will prevent the Data Controller from contacting you.

Booking Service

There are no third-party appointment booking systems active on the Site. Therefore, your data will not be processed for this purpose. In any case, you can always contact the Data Controller at the contacts indicated in the heading.

Communication of personal data

As part of its ordinary business, the Data Controller may communicate your personal data to certain categories of subjects. In article 2 you can find the list of subjects to which the Data Controller communicates your personal data. In order to facilitate the protection of your rights, Article 2 may specify in certain cases when your data is not communicated to third parties.

The “communication” of personal data to third parties is different from the “transfer” (governed by the preceding point). In fact, in the communication the third party to whom the data is transmitted can use it only for the specific purposes described in the relationship with the Data Controller. In the transfer, instead, the third party becomes the autonomous Data Controller. Moreover, to transfer your personal data to third parties is always required your consent.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, it is understood that the Data Controller may still use your personal data in order to correctly fulfill the obligations provided for by the laws in force.


Art. 1 Method of processing

1.1 The processing of your personal data will be mainly carried out with the help of electronic or automated means, according to the methods and with the tools suitable to ensure their security and confidentiality.

1.2 The information acquired and the methods of treatment will be relevant and not excessive in relation to the type of services rendered. Your data will also be managed and protected in secure computer environments appropriate to the circumstances.

1.3 Through the Site are not processed “special data”. Particular data are those that can reveal racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union, health and sex life.

1.4 No judicial data is processed through the Site.

Art. 2 Communication of personal data

The Data Controller may communicate your personal data to certain categories of subjects. The Data Controller wishes to inform users that, in the context of using the YouTube service (managed and owned by Google LLC), some personal data may be collected and shared. This data collection is essential to provide and enhance the user experience on our Site and to enable viewing of video content integrated through the YouTube API. In detail, when a user views a video content through the YouTube API on our Site, the following information may be collected: IP Address: Used to connect the user’s device to YouTube for video transmission. Behavioral Data: Includes information on how the user interacts with videos, such as which videos are viewed and for how long. Location Information: Used to provide relevant content based on the user’s geographical location. These data are automatically collected by the system and, in some cases, may be stored to improve user experience and for internal analytical purposes at YouTube. It is specified that our Site uses YouTube’s API services and, by viewing content through these APIs, the user accepts YouTube’s Terms of Service available at https://www.youtube.com/t/terms. For further details on data management by Google LLC, users are invited to consult Google LLC’s privacy policy at http://www.google.com/policies/privacy and YouTube’s at https://www.youtube.com/intl/ALL_it/howyoutubeworks/our-commitments/protecting-user-data/. Details on the use of User API Data User API Data: When a user interacts with YouTube videos embedded in our Site, data such as viewing preferences, video viewing history, and interactions with video content (likes, comments, shares) may be collected. These data are made available through the YouTube API and help to understand how users interact with video content. Access to data via the Client API: Our Site may use specific API calls to request and receive data from YouTube. This may occur when a user views a video, with the system automatically recording relevant information. Data Collection: Data are automatically collected by the YouTube system when users interact with YouTube videos on our Site. This process is essential to provide a smooth and personalized user experience. Data Storage: The collected data are securely stored in YouTube’s systems for a period that does not exceed the necessity of use. YouTube adopts all necessary security measures to protect these data from unauthorized access or illicit uses. Use of Data: YouTube uses these data for various purposes, including: Internal Analysis: To better understand user interactions with video content and improve the quality of YouTube services. Content Personalization: To offer users a more personalized experience, based on their preferences and interaction history. User Experience Improvement: To identify and resolve any technical issues and optimize the usability of video content. The subjects to whom the Data Controller reserves the right to communicate your data are indicated below:

The Data Controller reserves the right to modify the above list in accordance with its ordinary operations. Therefore, you are invited to regularly access this information to check to which subjects the Data Controller communicates your personal data.

Art. 3 Personal data retention

3.1 This article describes how long the Data Controller reserves the right to retain your personal data.


3.2 Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 3.1, the Data Controller may retain your personal data for the time required by specific regulations, as amended from time to time.

Art. 4 Transfer of personal data

4.1 The Data Controller is located in a country that has an adequate level of security from a regulatory standpoint. If the transfer of your personal data takes place to a non-EU country and for which the European Commission has expressed a judgment of adequacy, the transfer is deemed safe from a regulatory standpoint in any case. This article 4.1 indicates from time to time the countries where your personal data may possibly be transferred and where the European Commission has expressed a judgment of adequacy.


4.2 Without prejudice to what is stated in article 4.1, your data may also be transferred to countries outside the EU for which the European Commission has not issued an adequacy opinion. You are therefore invited to regularly review this article 4.2 to find out to which of these countries your data may be transferred.

4.3 In this article, the Data Controller indicates the countries in which it may specifically direct its activities. This circumstance may imply the application of the legislation of the reference country, together with that which governs the relationship with the user as indicated in the Preamble.



Art. 5. Your rights

The Data Controller informs you that you have the right:

The rights referred to above may be exercised by making a request without formalities to the contacts indicated in the Introduction.

Art. 6. Amendments

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this policy at any time, giving appropriate publicity to users of the Site and ensuring in any case an adequate and similar protection of personal data. In order to view any changes, you are invited to regularly consult this policy. In case of substantial changes to this privacy policy, the Data Controller may give notice of such changes also by email.